Monday 20 June 2016

Ever thought about the public places, where there is maximum exposure of public? Such kind of places is susceptible to cause the highest chance of getting infection or transmission of bacteria and viruses. Many of these places might look clean, but in reality, these places reek of germs. Germs can be extremely dangerous if passed down in the body. The human body can experience a wide range of conditions because of coming in contact with different types of germs. The following are the most exposed public places, where there are higher chances of germs lurking around the perimeter.

  • Restaurants

Restaurants serve as the common place for eating food. It is widely used the public place, hence, amounts for higher chances of bacteria and viruses. Foods, unhygienic conditions, staff and other people are the carriers of germs in a restaurant. Normally, the body is equipped with the defense to counter any kind of contracting the disease from germs, but it is always better to take care of such issues. The best possible advice is to avoid places containing unhygienic conditions. The staff and the kitchen personnel should take proper measures so people are less exposed to germs.

  • Public Bathrooms

This is by far, the most vulnerable place to carry germs. Fecal matter and urine contain intestinal bacteria, which transmits on touch. The lavatory doors and water faucets are subjected to human touch every minute, increasing the chances of spreading infection. In order to avoid the transmission, always try to stay away from the contaminated surface and thoroughly wash the hands. In order to use the faucet, take care of operating a faucet with a paper towel.

  • Workplace

Offices and workplace are another locations, where hundreds of people come in close contact every day, thereby exposing more to the germs. The work desk, computers, bathrooms and even canteen are the breeding center for germs. To prevent from germ build up, disinfect the place on a regular basis.

  • Hotels

Hotels are a place of temporary accommodation. Every guest checking in is not aware of the cleanliness of the place. The rooms may look clean but it is liable to heavy usage. Lifts, Bedspreads, bathrooms, and knobs impose a high risk of germs. The bed may also contain bed bugs, which can be extremely irritating. Hence, try to select the hotels that usually employ higher standards of cleaning. Such hotels may be expensive but ensures the safety of the public.

  • Public Pools

Hundreds of people dive in the swimming pool, accounting it for an increase in germs in the water. Many illnesses has been born out of water activities, specifically because of the people being exposed to the contaminated water. Adding Chlorine may help in killing the germs, but certain bacteria can survive even in disinfected pool. To prevent from germs, do not swallow pool water. Try to take a shower before and after using the pool.

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