Monday 13 June 2016

Do’s and Don'ts of Sandwiches


Healthy Sandwiches
                           Healthy Sandwiches


Sandwiches are often considered to be the best of the options, while you are looking forward to wrap in a healthy and a quick meal. Irrespective of the time of the day, Sandwiches are great options that are healthy, filling and sumptuous. However the same meal might change into a fatty and unhealthy, over loaded pack of calories, if you end up putting in the wrong ingredients. The fat that goes in sandwiches, make them all the more unhealthy, greasy and simply useless! By minimally avoiding a few fatty ingredients like cheese, mayonnaise etc. There is absolutely nothing that can beat a sandwich for lunch.

So, let us follow some Dos and Don’ts to make our delicious sandwiches all the more healthier!

Sandwiches are easy to do, a great help in case you are running out of time, but we can make it healthier by avoiding a few fatty ingredients like cheese, mayonnaise that all add up empty calories. So here is a cheat sheet to make our sandwiches healthy:

A few Do’s:

  • Take care of the bread you use. Make sure the version used, is healthy, made out of wheat, multi-grains, oats, quinoa etc.

  • Add some extra fruits and veggies to make the sandwiches healthier!

  • Choose a lighter spread, like low fat mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing, hummus etc.

  • Opt for lean protein to add a dash of extra health!

  • Make the sandwich smaller so that you can control the portions. Avoid the big boy sandwiches to stay healthy, avoid many condiments, cheese in order to save on extra calories.

Some of the Don’t’s

So, if in case you are looking forward to wrap in a healthier sandwich, make sure you don’t:

  • Avoid putting in a lot of cold cuts. These pre-packed food stuff are loaded with extra salt and preservatives that are extremely unhealthy.

  • Keep those cheesy slices away from your plate. Replace the flavour of cheese with delicious fruits and veggies to make your sandwich healthier and tastier.

  • Avoid white bread, no matter what. This flour is processed, unhealthy and all full of fat!

  • Say no to Grilled versions. No matter how popular and tasty they might be. They are best avoided because of the simple fact that they indeed are laden with oil and butter to ruin your health.

  • Avoid the pre-packaged sandwiches; they are highly processed and full of preservatives. Take some time out to prepare your own wrap and load them with the fresh produce stocking up in the refrigerator and enjoy your health along with taste!

Do’s and Don'ts of Sandwiches

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