Sunday, 29 May 2016

Home remedies for cough, common cold and fever

Remedies for Common Cough & Cold
    Remedies for Common Cough & Cold


With every seasonal change, the weather takes a toll on our biological system and almost every household is bugged with ailments like fever, cold and cough.

There are some simple home remedies which effectively treat fever and colds, and even protect you from the harmful effects of popping unnatural mainstream prescription medicines. Some of them are:

1. Holy Basil

Holy Basil also known as “Tulsi” is of prime religious importance in all Hindu households. Since ages, the leaves of “Tulsi” are known for their potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Take about 10 to 12 leaves of this herb and boil it in half liter of water. Let the decoction cool and sip it slowly, repeat at least thrice a day to get rid of fever, flu, sore throat. It also helps in unclogging the respiratory system by clearing phlegm.

2. Ginger

Drinking ginger tea or taking a teaspoon of grated ginger with honey is very effective in treating respiratory tract infections, coughs, colds and even bronchitis. It boosts immunity and its thermogenic properties protect our body from cold.

3. Honey

Honey is rich in antioxidants and its anti-microbial traits help in soothing cough and promotes undisturbed sleep. Its anti inflammatory properties also help in reducing sensitivity of the throat by coating it.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains a compound “Allicin” which makes it one of the most effective home remedies against ailments. “Allicin” imparts anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties to garlic. It clears persistent mucus, alleviates stubborn coughs and also help in subsiding viral fever. To relieve fever, cold and cough, it is best to crush 4 to 5 cloves of raw garlic and consume it.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that adds unique flavor to Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. Its thermogenic and anti-bacterial properties cure sore throat, colds and cough. Mix 1/2 table spoon of freshly ground cinnamon with some honey and take it 2-3 times a day for 3 days to get rid of stuffy as well as runny nose.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a famous Indian spice which forms an integral part of almost all curry dishes. It contains a compound “Curcumin” which gives powerful anti bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to Turmeric. It is an easily accessible home remedy which fights viral infections, coughs and colds. Just take 2 tea spoons of turmeric powder mixed either with a cup of warm milk or with warm water to get relief.

7. Raisins

Raisins are very effective when it comes to curing colds and fevers. They contain phytonutrients which load them with powerful antibiotic and antioxidant properties. They are natural home remedy for viral fevers, soothing cough and sore throat. Grind a handful of raisins, with 2 tea spoons of sugar and water, heat the mixture till it forms a thick paste, and consume 1 table spoon of this paste before hitting the sack at night.

The above ingredients are readily available in every household, so it is best to use them for natural healing without any side effects.

Home remedies for cough, common cold and fever

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