Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Summers are fun in the west. Getting tanned, sun exposure is fun but sunburns are not that good. It is necessary to enjoy the sun exposure without getting burned.

Best means to prevent sunburn is to avoid sun exposure.  The ultraviolet exposure is less if your shadow is longer than you and if it is shorter than you than the ultraviolet exposure is high.

Tips to avoid the sunburn:

  • During the peak hours stay away from the sun relief. Generally, 10 am to 3 pm must be spent indoors if possible. The times might differ slightly as per the season and the continent you live in.

  • Treatment for sunburn Cover up yourself when out in the sun. Large umbrellas and wide-brimmed hat would work out best but the beach cover-ups will be better. If you are going cycling or walking then wear long-sleeved cotton shirts. There are clothes that would cover-up as well as allow breathing. Use shades to protect your eyes.

  • Sunburn on face use sunscreen at the exposed areas. It is recommended to use SPF 45+ as it allows even the fairest skinned people to stay out in the sun for few hours before they could reapply the sunscreen is the best sunburn treatment. Use ChapStick or Vaseline for the lips. Check the instructions mentioned on the sunscreen and apply according to it for results. Reapply if your skin comes in contact with water even a bit as it will be washed off.

  • Cover back of your neck, back of your knees, elbows and ears. Do not ignore your feet especially if you are wearing a flip-flop, sandals or going barefoot. These places can hurt a lot.

  • Do not get too much tan and lie in the sun. It will damage your skin also, might burn your skin if you get the tan first few times in the beginning of the summer. If you want to tan, get it gradually and in a sensible manner with short exposure.

  • To avoid burning your scalp use oil or apply a small amount of sunburn creams to your hair. There are some shampoos and conditioner consisting SPF protection. Cover it with the hat.


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