Tuesday 12 July 2016

Evening Health tips

For many of us, our evenings are when we reach home from work and quite literally most of the time goes in just recovering from the day we’ve had. We may also have to deal with sorting out dinner, by which time we may feel there is very little time left to do anything. Following are some of the evening health tips that will help:

Evening Health-tip

        Evening Health-tips

Evening Health tips

Monday 11 July 2016

Buffalo Milk vs Cow Milk


Buffalo Milk vs Cow Milk
     Buffalo Milk vs Cow Milk


Milk is an essential part of a diet, mainly due to its nutrition contents. It is a rich source of vitamins, calcium, and minerals, which are important for a good health. It is recommended to have 2-3 cups of milk to meet the daily calcium requirements. Throughout the world, milk is consumed from different sources, more commonly being cow and buffalo. While, both are good for health, there is a difference in its richness and composition. Cow milk is more common in the Western part of the world, whereas Buffalo milk in South Asia. Both types of milk have its own set of advantages and disadvantages in terms of their comparison.

  • Fat Content

Perhaps, the most significant difference between both the milk is the fat. Cow milk is low in fat concentration, hence, have a thin texture and consistency, making it lighter for consumption. Buffalo milk has higher fat concentration, making it quite heavy in consistency. A high percentage of fat means the body will take more time to digest and absorb the nutrients. Buffalo milk, having high-fat concentration, keeps the stomach full for the longer amount of time, in comparison to cow milk. Therefore, cow milk is ideally suited for those who have a weak digestive system like aged people or infants.

On the other hand, buffalo milk has low cholesterol content than cow milk, so people suffering from obesity or kidney disease are advised to drink buffalo milk. Buffalo milk also has a high content of calcium, phosphorous, and iron. It serves as perfect nutritional supplement for any age group.

  • Protein content

Buffalo milk is again rich in protein content with a difference of 11% to that of cow milk. Protein molecules require more energy to breakdown, thus the entire requirement falls upon its use. Infants and elders are advised to drink cow milk.

  • Calorie content

Since Buffalo milk has a higher percentage of proteins and fats, it will naturally have high calories compared to cow milk. Here, cow milk is ideal for those who wants to keep a check on their daily calorie consumption.

  • Water content

Cow milk is more watery than buffalo milk because of less percentage of milk solids. Cow milk contains 90% water which helps to keep the body hydrated for a longer duration.


The Verdict

The final verdict on which of the two milk is better clearly depends on its uses. Buffalo milk provides more nutrients, helps to gain weight and build muscle mass. Cow milk is good for the weak digestive system, lose fat and body weight. Each has its own set of benefits and disadvantages.

Buffalo Milk vs Cow Milk

Sunday 10 July 2016

Impact of Smartphones on Health

Negative Impact of Smartphones on Health                                                              Impact of Smartphones on Health


Everyone loves browsing the phone before going to bed. Whether browsing for any news or playing games, using smartphones before bedtime not only affects your vision but also imply severe repercussions to your health. The blue light emitting from the phone is known to affect physical and mental health. Blue light is associated with full light spectrum, which is generally available from the sun on a daily basis. However, when such type of light is exposed at night, it can damage your vision. It suppresses the hormone production that can disturb the normal sleep cycle. While body will have no adverse effects for the shorter duration of the disturbed sleep cycle, a regular habit of disturbed sleep can impact mental health and even invite a lot of ailments.

  • Direct light from the phones in low lighting condition can damage your retina. Persistent damage to the retina may cause macular degeneration, which in turn can affect central vision. However, there are not enough studies to support the claim as each electronic device may work differently.

  • While not entirely concrete, the light emitted by the phone is directly linked to cataracts. Blue light is known to have severe side effects and some of the studies have made a discovery that continuous use of phones may lead to cataracts.

  • Perhaps, the biggest concern of using the phone is the damage caused to the sleep cycle. Exposure to blue light can affect the production of melatonin hormone, which helps to control the sleeping habits. The brain initiates the production of melatonin during the night and blue light disrupts the production process, ultimately affecting the sleep cycle. Use of phones before sleep may cause depression, obesity, and even memory issues.

  • The hormone melatonin not only regulates sleep but also works as an antioxidant. Antioxidants function on inhibiting the oxidation process that can damage cells. Lack of melatonin can increase the chance of causing cancer mainly prostate and breast, though much study is required to support the hypothesis.

  • Suppressed levels of melatonin also target mental ability to function properly. Common conditions like depression and anger can be easily triggered in the absence of melatonin, hence using the phone before bed may lead to such mental conditions.


Impact of Smartphones on Health

Friday 8 July 2016

Blood Pressure & its Impact on our Brain


Complecations of High Blood Pressure
                   Complications of High BP


High Blood pressure is generally associated with heart attack and stroke, due to its direct relation to the heart. People suffering from high blood pressure have increased chances of suffering from arterial disease, heart failure or may cause death in the longer run. Heart supplies blood to all parts of the body including organs and unattended high blood pressure directly impacts the organs. The brain is the most susceptible organ when it comes to risk caused by high blood pressure.

High pressure, short memory

Memory loss is a term that is directly proportional to age. As humans grow old, brains begin to decrease in function. Not only age but illness and different medications can also lead to memory loss. The findings of the current research clearly demonstrate that hypertension can significantly affect the ageing of brain.

Mild cognitive impairment is a manageable condition, which does not exhibit any serious problem, but severe memory loss can be very hazardous in terms of mental health. It inhibits the normal brain functioning like memory, reasoning and judgement.

All studies conducted so far may vary in results, but one thing is certain that hypertension plays a significant role in increasing chances of contracting mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular dementia. High blood pressure affects systolic as well as diastolic pressure and leaving it untreated may greatly increase the risk of initiating severe ailments.

Most numbers of studies are directed towards aged people in order to clearly understand the role of hypertension in the body. In one of the studies, 2,505 men between the age of 71 and 93 were surveyed and it was found that men having the higher systolic pressure of 140 mmHg had 77% chance of developing dementia in comparison to normal systolic pressure. Another study focused on people between 18 to 46 and 47 to 83, for the purpose of evaluating blood pressure impact on cognitive functions, found that high bp was proportionally linked to cognitive impairment over time.

Treat bp, prevent dementia?

The amount of damage caused by dementia is irreversible as the brain cannot be restored back to its original function, which makes it extremely important to understand the role of high blood pressure and its treatment in order to prevent dementia.

It is possible to prevent dementia by checking on the high bp. The following are the evidences

  • A study conducted by European scientists revealed that chronic treatment of high bp can reduce the chance of dementia by 55%

  • An American study showed 38% reduced risk from dementia

  • One study shows that yearly therapy of hypertension can reduce the risk by 6%

  • Another American study conducted on men and women found that regular therapy of treating high blood pressure can reduce 36% chance of Alzheimer’s disease. The same study also reveals that diuretics, a medication turns to be the most effective medication in the treatment.

  • Another wide scale study conducted by Harvard and Boston University demonstrates that controlling high blood pressure over the period of 6 months improves the overall functioning and blood flow to the brain.

Never too late

Controlling high blood pressure reduces the risk of cognitive impairment, but does it really help to prevent any further damage done in the case of several ailments related to the brain?

The question is not presented with full credible evidence, but one study was conducted by the Italian scientist on 80 patients, suffering from mild cognitive impairment. The patients were examined over the time frame of 2 years, where they were treated for high blood pressure with medications. They found that there was 80% less chance to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease in comparison to those who weren’t on medications. Though these studies may not be enough to support the claims, but it can help future studies to explore and back up the findings.

Blood Pressure & its Impact on our Brain

Wednesday 6 July 2016


Banana is an all-time fruit available throughout the year, in most countries of the world. When it comes to the fruit that symbolizes health, the first name that revolves in our mind is Apple. Right from the childhood, we have been told ‘An Apple a day keeps the doctor away’. While it is true to some extent, bananas are far better contender in partaking huge contribution in health. It provides lots of health benefits that are generally unknown to common people. Here are the 15 reasons that prove that banana is better than apple.

  1. The fruit contains a negligible amount of salt, which is generally good in terms of protecting from a condition like hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes. It is also high in potassium content.

  2. People suffering from anemia lack iron in their blood, which can be easily filled up by eating iron rich banana

  3. Banana contains high calcium content that is good for bones. Women suffering from bone density issues must consume banana daily.

  4. Banana may be sweet but do not contain a high content of sugar. People who work out a lot can get a boost of energy from banana whilst preventing from muscle cramps.

  5. Banana contains tryptophan and the body converts it into serotonin, which is a good remedy to fight depression in the body.

  6. Women experiencing post-menstrual syndrome must consume banana as it enhances their mood and reduces the stress levels in the body.

  7. Eating banana can help to reduce weight without undertaking any medications. It also provides an energy boost to the body.

  8. Banana is rich in Vitamin-B6, which helps to boost white blood cells production that fights provide natural immunity.

  9. Constipation is the common problem affecting millions of people. Banana is rich in fiber that aids in fighting against constipation by restoring bowel functions.

  10. Bananas are considered as anti-inflammatory food, which helps in reducing the swelling in the body. It also prevents from diseases such as type-2 diabetes.

  11. Banana reduces inflammation in the stomach and assists in digestion. After having a meal, eating a banana can improve digestive functions.

  12. Banana works as a soothing agent. Swelling caused by insect bite can be reduced by applying banana on the affected part.

  13. Bananas keep you attentive. It improves alertness and also boosts mind power.

  14. If you are suffering from normal fever, eating a banana can reduce the temperature.

  15. People who are addicted to smoking can eat a banana as it helps to restore lung functions during a withdrawal process.


Tuesday 5 July 2016

Blood Pressure - How much is right for healthy living?

Blood Pressure can tell a lot about your health conditions. The average blood pressure revolves around 120/80 mmHg. The higher value represents systolic pressure – the pressure inside the arteries when the heart beats, whereas the lower value represents diastolic pressure that gives a reading of the beats when the heart rests.  It is normal to have a minimal increase in the pressure on account of many reasons, however, pressure readings above 140/90 mmHg can be the signs of hypertension. High blood pressure can invite many cardiovascular diseases. Blood pressure normally increases with age due to thickening of the arteries. While the diastolic pressure is considered to be an important value in understanding health, both the pressures are equally significant.

An ideal number

Like mentioned before, blood pressure of the humans never remains consistent. It changes with daily physical activities or owing to specific medical conditions. Many studies have revealed that those having a pressure below 120/80 has 25% lower chance of heart attack or stroke, as well as 27% fewer chances of death. On the contrary, other studies have suggested that pressure going below 120/80 may not provide any additional health benefits. The findings have been quite varying on account of different studies, but keeping at 120/80 mmHg is the safest reading for the heart.

It is good to have a lower blood pressure, but there is no definite value on the lowest number. Many people having low blood pressure suffers from side effects like dizziness, constipation, insomnia, weakness, etc.

Monitoring blood pressure

From all the studies, it can be iterated that monitoring pressure after a certain age is very important, since growing age mandates to keep a check on health. Here are some basic guidelines to follow:

  • Keep a track of pressure on a monthly basis and if the number constantly falls above 140/90 mmHg then it is better to consult your doctor.

  • If you are suffering from high blood pressure, medications should be taken as prescribed, If any side effects are observed, doctor’s consultation is advised.

  • Taking care of the diet is imminent as you grow older, more specifically with salt content. Try to include less salt in your diet, also make sure not to completely restrict salt from the diet unless you are being told.

Always try to maintain an exercising schedule. Focus on aerobics and cardio exercises to stay fit and reduce any excess weight from the body.

Blood Pressure - How much is right for healthy living?

Saturday 2 July 2016

White Bread vs Brown Bread - Which is better?

White Bread vs Brown Bread

White Bread vs Brown Bread

With the increasing awareness of health and fitness, it is natural to assume that people who did not care much about the nutrition aspect of the food until now, often go over the length to stay healthy. The type of food you consume reflects a lot about your personal health. Bread is consumed throughout the world by millions but most numbers of people eat the wrong type of bread. Following new research and studies, there has been a huge debate surrounding white and brown bread. People simply assume that brown bread is better, but do they know the reasons as to why brown bread is better than white bread?

White bread contains highly refined carbohydrates, which fuels cells to produce a level of insulin content. The insulin converts the sugar from the body into glycogen, ultimately into triglycerides that get stored in the body as fat. Normally, carbohydrates are good source of energy, but food like white bread contains high glycemic index along with synthetic additives, which makes it dangerous to consume on regular basis.

Brown bread, on the other hand, is considered as a healthier option among the two. Let’s take a look at the reasons for it being healthy

Nutrients & Calories

Brown bread is generally made from whole wheat, which has high fiber content, known to be good for the body. The bread also contains prominent nutrients like vitamins B-6, manganese, zinc, copper, and magnesium. While wheat bread does not contain more nutrients than the brown bread, it does have high calcium content, making it good for bones.

White bread contains synthetic additives of sugar, to give a better taste, hence, has higher calories than brown bread.


A lot depends on the manufacturing process of the bread. White bread is manufactured by removing bran from the wheat flour and then processed with chemical compounds such as benzoyl peroxide and chlorine dioxide gas to give a whitening appearance. These compounds are dangerous to the body if ingested in large quantities. Brown bread is manufactured without removing bran or wheat germ from the wheat flour, hence provide a better proportion of nutrients.

Glycemic Index

White bread is high in glycemic index, whereas brown bread has lower glycemic index. Glycemic index can cause an unnatural increase in blood sugar levels, which is very low in brown bread. Lower the glycemic index, the better the health. Brown bread provides health benefits and reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.

When it comes to both the type of bread, brown bread is better in consumption, however, much depends on the processing and the content. Make sure about the type of ingredients to safeguard healthier option.

White Bread vs Brown Bread - Which is better?